Prunus umineko
Eine schmal aufstrebende Zierkirsche, mit einer säulenförmigen Kronenform. Zuzüglich vieler weiterer . Wunderschöner Zierbaum mit reinweißen Blüten! Herkunft: Collingwood Ingram, England.
Wuchs: Kleinbaum, lockere säulenförmige Krone, mittelstark wachsend. Outstanding specimen tree of medium size, smothered in brilliant white flowers in spring with gorgeous autumn foliage in .
Its dark green leaves are elliptic with serrate margins, up to 7cm long and 4cm . An upright, small, narrow tree broadening with age, ideal for restricted areas. Single white flowers open in clusters along the branches as the . A small, upright deciduous tree with pale green leaves, turning dark green, then flame red in autumn. It bears single white flowers in spring. Schoene aufrechter Wuchs. Einfach weisse Bluete in April.
Prunus umineko (Prydkirsebær). Consistent form ideal for narrow streets.
Der Baum hat eine glatte, graubraune Rinde. Das Blatt ist oval mit fein . Umineko: A pretty little hybrid cherry of narrow columnar habit up to about 4. das perfekte prunus umineko cherry blossom-Stockfoto. Riesige Sammlung, hervorragende Auswahl, mehr als 1Mio.
Stunning white flowering cherry in April, with good Autumn colour. Mooie purperrode herfstkleurBloemenEnkele . Ascending in habit makes ideal . An elegant fastigiate upright deciduous tree with masses of pretty white coloured flowers and good autumn colour. Makes an attractive feature . Het donkergroene ovale blad heeft een scherp getande bladrand. Snoei de boom slechts een paar keer per jaar.
Je hoeft enkel de boom in vorm te snoeien. Majestic Trees has the finest collection of semi- mature and mature trees in the country which we deliver, plant . An upright growing tree with single white flowers in spring followed by pale green leaves turning dark green by autumn. Useful columnar tree where. The size after years is 4cm. The flower colour is white.
This plant is completely hardy.
Click here to find out more. Umineko has young bronze foliage turning dark .
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