Lippia citriodora

The best lemon scented plant often used in cakes. Züchtung und Produktion von Jungpflanzen im Bereich Beet und Balkon, Stauden und Gräser, Poinsettia. Oskouei Shirvan Z(1), Etemad L(2), . Function(s): Cosmetic Astringent.

Zitronenstrauch, Verveine, Luisenkraut, Zitronenduftstrauch.

Caution - Do not leave on the skin before sun. IFRA Critical Effect: Sensitization and phototoxicity. Recommendation for lippia citriodora leaf extract usage levels . View Technical Sheet Print technical sheet.

Availability: Temporarily unavailable. Good for nervous tension and anxiety. Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und viele . Lippia citriodora (Palau) Kunth.

ZITRONENSTRAUCH – LIPIA CITRIODORA – ALOYSIA TRIPHYLLA. Familie: Verbenengewächse - Verbenaceæ. Find the perfect lippia citriodora stock photo. No need to register, buy.

Pure organic, wild harvested and unsprayed essential oils. Ethically farmed and ethically priced. FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders. FRAGRANT LEMON VERBENA- LIPPIA CITRIODORA ESSENTIAL OIL.

Find product specific information including. Analgesic, antidepressant, antipruritic, antiseptic, bechic, deodorant, disinfectant, emollient, expectorant, febrifuge, hemostatic, insecticide, restorative. SCENT: Lemon Verbena Essential Oil has an extremely lemony and very strong, sharp, fresh, fruity fragrance with just a . Lemon Verbena) A hardy shrub with lemon scented leaves and tiny panicles of mauve flowers in August. Other common names lemon verbena.

Verbenaöl wirkt konzentrationsfördernd und leicht euphorisierend. Es ist ein herrliches Öl bei geistiger Erschöpfung und Konzentrationsschwäche, . Lemon Verbena: Fearless.

Article Options and Tools . Aloysia sleumeri MOLDENKE, Aloysia triphylla .


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