Dendrobium orchid

Learn all about Dendrobium orchid care in this article by Ryan Levesque, author of Orchids Made Easy. Dendrobium is a diverse genus of orchids with different cultural needs. This culture information is for the phalenopsis-type dendrobiums pictured above.

Native to Southeast Asia, the genus dendrobium is one of the largest of all orchid groups. How to grow the popular dendrobium hybrid orchids. All you need to know about Dendrobium orchids - their care, light conditions, watering, and re-potting.

Thumbs Up, Comment Subscribe! Orchid Care: Reblooming Dendrobium nobile Orchids dendrobium. Cultural information on dendrobium orchids , stories, pictures and events in the UK, link to the oldest orchid society in the world. How to Care for a Dendrobium Orchid.

Dendrobium orchids and hybrids born of dendrobium mixes are a good place to start when learning to . Dendrobium is a huge genus of orchids. It was established by Olof Swartz in 17and today contains about 2species. The genus occurs in diverse habitats . Some of the most popular orchid plants among home growers are Dendrobium orchid plants. Read this article for information on growing these . Wondering where to cut your Dendrobium orchid spike after it flowers?

We get lots of questions about Dendrobium spikes.


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