Haworthia cooperi

Haworthia cooperi ist eine Pflanzenart der Gattung Haworthia in der Unterfamilie der Affodillgewächse (Asphodeloideae). Encontre Suculenta Haworthia Cooperi - Acessórios de Jardinagem no Mercado Livre Brasil. It grow in clumps of small rosettes of tiny, fleshy. Selecione uma opção para variação do produto.

Quant: adicionar ao carrinho. Very attractive and can .

LebensforStaude Verwendung: Zierpflanze. Standort: Sonne - Standort: Halbschatten 10 . Zurück zur Kategorieübersicht . The nomenclatural history of this taxon is rather confuse to say the least. Nevertheless, while the name has change our plants have slowly and innocently . Soil Well drained such as regular mixes for cacti and.

Baker cooperi: for Thomas Cooper H. Shop for haworthia on Etsy, the place to express your creativity through the buying and selling of handmade and vintage. Succulent - Haworthia Cooperi.

Find great deals on eBay for Haworthia in Cactus Plants. Fat juicy leaves and translucent flesh are the hallmarks of Haworthia window plant. Not all Haworthia have the see-through leaves, but those . Eastern Cape: between Chalumna and . Other Images: Origin: South Africa. The species originates from the . Go to Encyclopedia of Life. Description Not Yet Available.

Family: Xanthorrhoeaceae. Haworihia aranea Berger, 2Haworthia archeri Barker ex Bayer, 2Haworthia. Thoughtful and meaningful gift for your loved one or the perfect plant to add to your collection. Foliage: Thick, linear leaves are white with grey translucent areas . Plant Requirements: Porous soil with adequate drainage.

Bright light with ample airflow. Water thoroughly when soil is dry . Liliaceae family (photo 386). Find out more about cactus and succulents on Cactofilia.

A muda enviada sera da mesma variedade da foto, . Open Daily: Monday - Friday 8am-4pm.

I have one of these, slightly less plump than.


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